Thursday, 20 October 2011

Spring is around the corner

It's been a lovely October, one of the hottest on record, but we all know winter is coming. Still, thoughts move on to spring. Time to plant some spring flowering Anemones in the woody patch at the bottom of the garden.
Most of the high street shops have stopped stocking bulbs now in favour of Christmas decorations. Poundstretcher are still holding out though. I got 30 bulbs for £3. Not bad.
Here's the woody patch under the tree at the bottom of the garden. Just planted the bulbs under the wood chippings. Should give a nice flush of colour come March time.

Also spent some time pottering around doing a few other jobs. The good people of my home town have been doing a sterling job bagging up leaves for me. Knocked together a leaf-compost bin out of some unused chicken wire. Must have collected about 20 bags of leaves now. There's more stored since the piccy was taken. Free compost. Yeah!!!
The bulbs in the summer planters are over now - the Gladioli actually flowered quite late into October. When I took the bulbs out to dry and store them there were lots of small bulblets. Collected them together and planted them in pots. Let's see what happens...
Still no joy with the mushroom spores I planted a few months ago. Bugger. Maybe it was too hot in October...
While I was in the local garden centre a piece of bamboo 'fell off' into my hands ;) Gave it a head start with some rooting powder. Let's see how that goes too...