Saturday 5 May 2012

May round-up - Veg

Quick round-up of the veg side of things. Rooster spuds in the bulk-bag are coming through well now. 

And the Maris Pipers in the bags are slightly ahead.

Herb planter and strawberry planter here. Many of the Sage leaves had powdery mildew on, but have picked them off and the remainder seem much healthier.

In the raised bed many of the carrot seed I planted in March have failed to germinate, so sowed some more. Some of the peas are rather straggly, while others are very strong. May collect some seeds from the stronger ones to see if it's genetic. On the far side are more Maris Pipers that have all come through now and seem strong enough to survive any frost.

A friend gave me his surplus of onion sets, so put them into a planter, adding plenty of potash to the soil, as well as gel crystals to retain moisture. May need to thin them out to get some decent size specimens, but we'll see.

In the greenhouse, Shallots are doing well and should be ready in another month or so.

The Chinese cabbage has gone ballistic so need to start eating some of it soon. Starting to heart-up too.

Had to bring the delicate tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and courgettes into the house of the past week or so, but due to the central heating they started to get rather leggy. Put them back into the greenhouse this morning to thicken them up again. There's a slight chance of frost tonight, but it's been so warm in the greenhouse hopefully they won't get damaged.

Super Marmande beafsteak tomato is starting to grow taller too. I think the large pot it went into encouraged it to grow roots first, but it seems to be catching up. It looks like a small snail or slug has had a go at the lettuce seedlings, so have put some slug pellets down to keep the buggers at bay.

The leeks had an infestation of greenfly but I made up my own concoction of soap-powder spray and it worked very well.

Celery is doing very well in the damp but mild conditions. This is variety 'Green Utah'. Might leave a couple in the greenhouse and try the rest outside in pots later in the month.

And finally... The wind and rain has done for the Uchiki Kuri squashes. Have sown some more in posts in the greenhouse.

Next, flowers...

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