Thursday 16 February 2012

10 jobs for February

I've seen other bloggers post '10 top jobs for...' but they're pretty standard fair. I'll try to make my lists a bit more left-field. Here we go!

  1. Keep an eye on the garden centres. With Spring around the corner they're keen to shift discontinued stock to make room for the new lines. Slightly chipped pots can be found at knock-down prices too.
  2. Treat yourself to some tool time. Dust off the angle grinder and get sharp edges on your spades, forks and hoes. Tighten any loose rivets or screws. Saves time and effort later on in the year. 
  3. While you're at it, get the lawnmower and hedge trimmers out and give them a service too. Check cables for damage. Give the blades and motors a drop of oil and WD40. Give the grass box a scrub too.
  4. Maintain the greenhouse. Grease the door runners and window hinges, and replace any frost-damaged bolts and clips. Spring squalls can take their toll on any weaknesses.
  5. Drain and clean your water butts. The water has probably been standing in them for several months. Best to empty it out and shift the gunge at the bottom. Spring rain will soon fill them back up again.
  6. Make a nest box. The birdies will soon be looking for somewhere to nest, and they are excellent pest predators. Why not let nature help out with keeping on top of the slugs, bugs and caterpillars?
  7. Empty and clean the compost bin. Last year's contents should probably be well rotted by now, and you'll need room for this year's material. Best to dig it in or use it as mulch before the weeds get going.
  8. Get a good seed box. With all those seed packets arriving and seeds being sown, you'll need something air-tight and large enough to store them in for a few years. Check out Poundland.
  9. Get the tomato supports in. Make sure they are tall and sturdy enough to cope with the heaviest crops. Better to get them in before the tomatoes are planted. Less disturbance and saves times.
  10. And finally, a tip courtesy of Joe Maiden from Gardening with Tim and Joe podcast on Radio Leeds: "If a job needs doing, then do it now!"  

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